cloud, Cloud Strategy, DevOps

Site Reliability Engineering – Explained in Simple terms

The pace of technological evolution and digital transformation has accelerated phenomenally prompting shifts in IT operations. The cloud, for example, is now almost a default technology for running software. IT infrastructures are evolving and becoming more complex. IT operations, as such, are becoming more complicated as it has to shoulder heavier lifting today than ever… Continue reading Site Reliability Engineering – Explained in Simple terms

Azure Cloud, DevOps

A Guide on Azure DevOps Security

Microsoft Azure DevOps is a cloud-based computing solution that offers a set of tools to carry out software development projects. It drives faster and more responsive software development by uniting processes, teams, and technologies - thus contributing to the development of a fast-evolving SDLC (software development lifecycle). This robust SDLC is capable of addressing user… Continue reading A Guide on Azure DevOps Security

Application Development, DevOps

DevOps Vs. AgileOps – What Do You Really Need?

In recent years, many companies have successfully implemented DevOps in their business operations. Effectively, companies can no longer ignore DevOps benefits like faster product deliveries, customer satisfaction, and application quality.  In 2022, the latest DevOps trends like GitOps, AIOps, and DevSecOps can transform the software development industry. Short for Agile Operations, AgileOps is another promising… Continue reading DevOps Vs. AgileOps – What Do You Really Need?


Is DevOps Not Working for You? Here Are the Possible Reasons

Every IT enterprise wants to optimize software delivery and improve the end-user experience. Favorably, DevOps is seen by enterprises as the key to these goals, and understandably so. After all: The organizations with a DevOps culture have experienced deployment 46x faster.The teams have had to spend 50 percent less time redressing security concerns.The time to restore services has… Continue reading Is DevOps Not Working for You? Here Are the Possible Reasons


Start DevOps with CircleCI – Stepwise Guide

CircleCI is a CICD tool, that is, Continuous Integration - Continuous Deployment tool. It speeds up the deployment process by making it automated. One can execute complex workflows efficiently and quickly with sophisticated caching, Docker layer caching, resource classes for running on faster machines, and performance pricing.